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Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi blessed the renovated cemetery at Christ King Church, Karkal on 18th June, 2023.

The blessing took place after the Sunday Holy Eucharist presided over by Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi along with Rev. Fr Clement Mascarenhas, Parish Priest of Christ King Church, Karkal; Rev. Fr Jithesh Leonard D’Souza SAC, Asst. Parish Priest of Christ King Church, Karkal and other two guest priests. After the Holy Mass Bishop conducted the prayer service and blessed all the graves.

After the blessing a small felicitation programme was held in the parish hall. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi; Rev. Fr Clement Mascarenhas, Rev. Fr Jithesh D’Souza, the vice-president and the secretary of Parish Pastoral Council and coordinator of Pastoral Commissions’ were present on the dais.

As a token of gratitude donors, sponsors and well-wishers were felicitated on this occasion. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac lobo addressed the gathering, thanked the parishioners and requested them to pray for the departed. Parish Pastoral Council members and parishioners were present.

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Cell: 90044 76644 (O)
Email: udupidiocese@gmail.com