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Commission for Labour
  Unorganized labourers are organized
Organization of the unorganized labourers to avail their rights
Goal 1 : The unorganized labourers are organized
Objective 1 : By 2014, the unorganized workers are aware of the benefits of their organization and unionization.
Objective 2 : The unorganized labourers are organized into unions according to their trades by 2015.
Objective 3 : At least 50% unorganized labourers is registered with the government under Unorganized Workers Social Security Act, 2008 by the end of 2017.
Goal 2 : Labourers are ensured of their socio-economic security
Objective 1 : The organization of the unorganized labourers is collectively bargaining for their rights by 2016.
Objective 2  : The organization has a ‘Grievance Redressal Machinery’ by 2016.
Objective 3 : The organized labourers are availing their social security benefits by 2016.
Report of 2016
Report of 2017
Report of 2018
Director : Mr Elroy Kiran Crasto
Cell : 94482 55222 / 97314 68666
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: [email protected]