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Commission for Proclamation & Evangelization
  An evangelized community evangelizes the world
To inculcate missionary zeal among the people of God. To proclaim and witness the Good News to all in the multi-religious context To evolve relevant missionary approaches for the ever- changing realities of the world.
Goal 1 : Church is a community of believers.
Objective 1 : At least one each Holy Childhood Association is established in every parish by the end of year 2014.
Objective 2 : Every Christian feels the responsibility to be a missionary and is Contributing to Universal Solidarity Funds (mission Sunday, Holy Childhood Day and the St. Peter the apostle Day).
Objective 3 : At least 3 new mission centres are established in the district of Udupi.
Objective 4 : The seminarians of the diocese are filled with missionary enthusiasm.
Goal 2 : Every Christian is a zealous missionary.
Objective 1 : A team of 20 lay evangelizers is available in the Diocese by 2015.
Objective 2   : A Catholic Enquiry Centre is established at the Diocesan Shrine in Karkala by 2015.
Objective 3 : By 2016, various pious associations, SCCs, Ecclesial Movements and Institutions are engaged in evangelization in all the parishes.
Objective 4 : Different forms of media, art and culture are made use of in proclamation in the Diocese by 2016.
Report of 2016
Report of 2017
Report of 2018
Address                 Proclamation & Evangelization Commission
Pastoral Centre

  Kakkunje, Santhekatte Post,
  Udupi - 576 105.

Director : V. Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta
Cell : 98800 72036
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Contact Us

Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: [email protected]