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Commission for Education
  A society of competent and responsible citizens
To impart quality education through intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual formation with preferential option for the marginalized
Goal 1 : Quality Education to all up to the graduate/Diploma level
Objective 1 : By 2015 all educational institutions under the catholic Education society of Udupi have qualified and competent teachers.
Objective 2 : By 2015, all teachers/lecturers have undergone two in- service training programs and training on Values.
Objective 3 : By 2014, the CESU has a system of periodic performance assessment of the faculty.
Objective 4 : By 2015 no catholic child is denied admission to our schools for want of finances.
Objective 5 : By 2016 the educational Institutions under CESU have availed the services of the qualified student-Counselors.
Goal 2 : Adequate infra-structure and efficient administration are available.
Objective 1 : By 2020 all Schools/Colleges under CESU have adequate educational facilities (such as class rooms, library, hostels, sanitation, play grounds, laboratories, clean drinking water and handicapped friendly facilities)
Objective 2  : The managing committees of Schools under CESU have competent members by 2014.
Goal 3 : Competent and committed teaching faculty in our schools and colleges
Objective 1 : By 2014 a diocesan recruiting body is in place with transparent recruiting policies are formed and followed in all institutions.
Objective 2 : By 2014 a system of recruiting suitable qualified staff and promoting on-going formation for staff is put in place.
Goal 4 : Availability of institutions of excellence to impart higher education and professional courses
1. By 2020 the diocese has a centre each of professional studies (like medical, engineering, management institutions, law, nursing colleges, Para-medical courses).
2. By 2018, the diocese has an institution for training youth for civil services.
Strategy A core team is formed to plan, to identify competent and suitable personnel to mobilize resources, land , construction and establish institutions.
Indicators •    Professional Institutions are established
•    Personnel are trained/ recruited
•    students are admitted and trained.
Goal 5 : Education opportunities to  the  marginalized/specially/ differently –able.
Objective 1 : The specially/Differently able children are studying along with the regular students in our schools by 2016
Objective 2 : By 2015 the CESU has out-reach projects for the education of marginalized/drop outs.
Objective 3 : By 2015 a fund for the education of the economically backward students existing in the diocese.
Report of 2016
Report of 2017
Report of 2018
Address                    Catholic Educatinal Society of Udupi Diocese (CESU)
Pastoral Centre

  Kakkunje, Santhekatte Post,
  Udupi - 576 105.

Cell : 87628 57906 / 70264 80091(O)
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Director : V. Rev. Fr Vincent Robert Crasta
Cell : 98800 72036
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Contact Us

Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: [email protected]