Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

Commission for Liturgy
 A Christian Community rooted in the Holy Eucharist and Sacraments.
1.  The Faithful gather around the Eucharistic table to celebrate the Paschal Mystery as one family.
2.  Drawing its strength from the Holy Eucharist and Sacraments, the community lives a life worthy of its Christian Calling.
Goal  : A Worshipping community nourished by the sacraments.
Objective 1 : By 2015, every parish has a liturgical team that helps to celebrate the Liturgy meaningfully.
Objective 2 : To make the  children of the age group of 13-18 know the meaning and proper celebration of all the sacraments by 2015.
Objective 3 : By 2015, well trained Extraordinary Ministers, Cantors and Lectors are serving in all the parishes.
Objective 4 : By 2016, well-compiled books on Sacraments are available.
Report of 2016
Report of 2017
Report of 2018
Address  Director
  Divya Jyothi

Pastoral Centre

  Kakkunje, Santhekatte Post,
  Udupi - 576 105.
Cell : 91410 31395
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Website : www.divyajyothi.org 
Publication : Daakvaal
Director Rev. Fr Wilson D'Souza
Cell : 9964789180
Email  : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact Us

Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: [email protected]