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Commission for Justis & Peace
  Just and Peaceful society
Ensure justice to the marginalized and enhance harmony in the society
Goal 1 : The marginalized are socio-economically developed by 2018.
1. A team of 10 facilitators formed at the diocesan level by July 2014.
2. A core group of 25 stakeholders formed in the Diocese by 2014.
3. About 60% of the marginalized have become self-reliant and are leading a life of dignity by 2016.
Goal 2 : The marginalized are partners in the program of establishing justice and peace in the society by 2018.
1. The strong organization of the marginalized is functioning in the district of Udupi by 2017.
2. The organization of the marginalized is availing government facilities through collective action by 2017.
3. The organization of the marginalized is networking with all the like-minded organizations in the district by 2016.
4. The leaders of the organization are members of the taluk and district level peace committees by 2017.
Report of 2016
Report of 2017
Report of 2018
Director : Mr Edward Larsen D'Souza
Address  'Fredbo'
  Cherkady Post,

  Udupi - 576 215.

Cell : 94491 04209
Email  : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Contact Us

Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: [email protected]