Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The Bishop of Udupi, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Lobo was on Pastoral Visit to Immaculate Conception of B.V.M Church, Gangolli from 14th to 16th January, 2023. Rev. Fr Thomas Roshan D’Souza, the Parish Priest of Gangolli and the parishioners extended a warm welcome to the Bishop.

After the preliminary rites, the Bishop visited the cemetery and conducted prayer service. The Bishop Blessed the Cross near the entrance. The Bishop had a session on Catechism for the Confirmation children. Then He interacted with the Parish finance committee members. 

On 15th January, the Confirmation Mass was celebrated with great joy. 36 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation. In his homily, the bishop emphasized on the importance of family life.

After the Mass, the Bishop had series of meetings with several groups, viz.; Missionary Children’s Association; Altar Boys; ICYM; YCS; Catholic Sabha; SFO; Legion of Mary, SVP, Sthree Sanghatan Parish Pastoral Council with 20 commissions’ animators. He also attended the Small Christian Community meeting in one of the wards.

On 16th morning the Bishop celebrated the holy Eucharist at Carmel Convent Gangolli. Later he visited the sick. He also paid visit to St Joseph and Stella Maris School wgere he addressed the teachers and staff members of the school. The Pastoral Visit concluded on Monday 16th with a Prayer Service.

Contact Us

Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: udupidiocese@gmail.com