Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

10 September,2013

It is with deep sorrow I inform you that Fr. Thomas d’Aquino Sequeira, the former Deputy Secretary General of CBCI, passed away at the hospital in California at 1.20 p.m. on Monday, 9th September (Today at 1.50 a.m., for us in India). As you know he was in U.S. for his doctoral studies, meanwhile helping in St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, Tracy, California. Approximately two months ago, he was admitted in the hospital and the diagnosis showed that he was suffering from colon cancer and that it has reached the forth stage. Ever since he was in the hospital, underwent a surgery and was undergoing chemotherapy till date. Meanwhile his beloved mother also passed away in Goa at the age of 92 on 18th August, 2013.

The details of the funeral are yet to be finalised, as the body is to be flown from U.S. to Goa on one of these days. As soon as the details are available, we will inform you promptly.

May the Good Lord grant him eternal rest for the dedicated service he was rendering to the Church in different capacities. The CBCI Centre community deeply mourns the sudden demise of Fr. Thomas d’Aquino Sequeira, whose fond memories, this community cherishes with love and gratitude.

 Yours Devotedly in Jesus,

Fr. Joseph Chinnayyan
Deputy Secretary General, CBCI




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