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Catholic Sabha of Miyar unit celebrated its Silver Jubilee at St Dominic Miyar Church on 07th December, 2019.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo celebrated the holy Eucharist at St Dominic Church along with Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Rev. Fr Pascal Menezes, Rev. Fr Paul Rego & Rev. Fr Mark D’Souza. Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves preached the homily.

After the mass stage programme was held at church premises. The programme began with welcome dance by children. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi; Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Diocesan Spiritual Director of Catholic Sabha; Rev. Fr Paul Rego, Parish Priest of Miyar Church; V. Rev. Fr Joswey Fernandes, Dean of Karkal Deanery; Rev. Fr Mark D’Souza, Rector of Palotti Vikas Minor Seminary; Rev. Fr Jerome Montero, Former Parish Priest and Parish Priest of Pernal Church; Mr Alwyn Quadros, President of Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh; Mr Elroy Kiran Crasta, Director of Diocesan Labour Commission; Rev. Fr Pascal Menezes, Parish Priest of Kera Parish; Mr Santhosh Cornelio, Secretary of Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh; Mr Robert Menezes, Catholic Sabha President of Karkal Deanery; Mrs Olivia D’Mello, Catholic Sabha Secretary of Karkal Deanery; Mr Vinnybold Mendonca, President of Catholic Sabha Miyar unit; Mrs Carol Fernandes, Secretary of Catholic Sabha Miyar unit and others were present on the dias.

Mr Vinup D’Souza welcomed the gathering. Mrs Carol Fernandes read the brief report. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo inaugurated the parish Magazine. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions and distinction students by the dignitaries. Former presidents, secretaries and donors got felicitated by the dignitaries on this occasion. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Rev. Fr Jerome Monteiro, V. Rev. Fr Joswey Fernandes, Mr Alwyn Quadros and Rev. Fr Paul Rego addressed on the occasion.

After the stage programme tulu drama “Pira Barnaga” was staged.

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