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‘Sampada’, the social welfare organization of Udupi Diocese completed five years of meritorious service to the society. The fifth annual day celebration was held at Mother of Sorrows Parish Hall on 29 June 2019.

Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese presided over the function. Other dignitaries on the dais included Fr Oswald Monteiro, Secretary of CODP as the chief guest, Sr Zeetha D’Souza, Coordinator of KROSS, Fr Reginald Pinto, Director of Sampada, Anil Fernandes, Representative of Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA), Prakash Noronha, Representative of MCC Qatar and Sr Veera Monis, Coordinator of ICDP.

Fr. Reginald Pinto welcomed the guests and presented a brief report of the achievements of ‘Sampada’ during the last five years. Empowerment of women has been one of the chief aims of ‘Sampada’. During the last five years, 431 self-help groups were established with 6,520 women members. Besides being economically self-reliant, women have been participating in political activities. There are also 12 self-help groups run by men with 173 members.

In the last five years, women’s associations have evolved as federations. Besides empowering women, ‘Sampada’ has been spreading awareness among people about Water conservation, growing vegetables and fruits, planting of saplings, etc. With the help of CODP and charitable organizations such as KCWA and MCC Qatar, interest free educational loans as well as scholarships have been provided to needy students.

On this occasion Fr Oswald Monteiro released the annual souvenir of ‘Sampada’ titled “Sampadada Hejjegalu”. Sr. Zeeta D’Souza gave away the Greenway Jumbo Stoves to the beneficiaries. She also distributed vegetable seeds to representatives of four self-help groups. Anil Fernandes, representative of KCWA and Prakash Noronha, representative of MCC handed over financial assistance students.

Bishop Gerald Lobo conferred ‘Best Self-help Group 2019 Prashasthi’ on five self-help groups, namely Preethi of Miyar, Divya of Tasi, Rose of Nandalike, Chiguru of Pamboor and Smile of Kemmannu. ‘Best Woman Achiever 2019 Prashasthi’ was conferred on Carol Fernandes, Carmine Lewis and Marina Lewis.

Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo lauded the achievements of ‘Sampada’ during the last five years. He made an appeal to the people to have a positive mindset and endeavour to help those who are in need so that eventually there would be no economically needy person in the society.

Lilly D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks. Stany Fernandes and Jeshwita Sequeira compeered the program.

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