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Deacon Jithesh Castelino S/o Mr Joseph Castelino and Mrs Ida Castelino of St John the Evangelist Church Pangla was ordained priest by Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo on 09th May, 2019.

The ordination ceremony was held in the presence of the Msgr. Baptist Menezes, Vicar General of Udupi Diocese; V. Rev. Fr Joseph Martis, Rector of St Joseph Seminary, Mangalore; V. Rev. Fr Stany B. Lobo, Chancellor of Udupi Diocese, relatives and friends of the newly-ordained priest along with hundreds of devotees. More than 50 priests were present on the occasion.

The bishop in his homily pointed out the status and responsibilities of a priest in the church. He said that a priest is the one chosen by God from among the people to serve them and lead them to Christ. He also highlighted the significance and challenges of the priestly ministry in the present world.

Later, the newly ordained priest concelebrated in the Holy Eucharist with the Bishop. Fr Stephen D’Souza, Director of Diocesan Biblical and Catechetical Centre animated the Liturgy.

After the mass, a Felicitation program was held at Church premises. The program began with a prayer dance by the children from the parish. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Rev. Fr Joseph Martis, Rev. Fr Leslie D’Souza, Rev. Fr Roque D’Souza, Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Rev. Fr Charles Noronha, Rev. Fr Alban D’Souza, Rev. Fr Jithesh Castelino, Mr & Mrs Joseph and Ida Castelino were present on the dais.

Rev. Fr Jithesh Castelino along with his family cut the cake. Rev. Fr Leslie D’Souza raised the toast and wished the new priest well. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Rev. Fr Joseph Martis, Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves addressed the gathering and congratulated the newly ordained priest.

Mr Joseph Castelino welcomed the gathering and Rev. Jithesh Castelino proposed vote of thanks. Br Jeevan Lobo compeered the program.

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