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The Relic feast of St Antony was celebrated with great joy and devotion at Kerekatte on 15th February, 2019. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi presided over the festive Eucharistic celebration.

V. Rev. Fr Stany Tauro, Dean of Kundapur deanery, V. Rev. Fr Xavier Pinto, Rector of St Antony Shrine and priests from Udupi and other dioceses concelebrated with the Bishop. Rev. Fr Canute Barboza, Parish priest of Kandlur Parish preached a meaningful homily. At the end of the mass, the bishop conducted St Antony’s Novena and gave the blessing of the relic.

V. Rev. Fr Xavier Pinto, Rector of the Shrine thanked everyone for their support in making the feast a grand success.

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