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Udupi Deanery Family Commission and Diocesan Family Commission jointly organized Married Couples’ Day at Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi on 2 October, 2015.

The day began with married couples’ procession to Our Lady of Sorrows Church with the Sunshine melody brass band of Perampally, followed by priests. The solemn mass concelebrated by Rev. Dr Lawrence C. D’Souza Secretary of CESU, Udupi diocese along with deanery priests.

Fr Lawrence D’Souza in his homily pointed out six valuable points to married couples. There should be unity between married couple, faithfulness, invitation to walk with Jesus Christ, vocation, mission and to establish good Christian values. Jesus Christ is the role model for married couples. It is the work of God who laid the foundation for family life.

During the mass wedding vows were renewed by around 110 couples of the deanery. Fr Alban D’Souza Parish Priest of Kalmady church conducted the renewal of vows ceremony and Rev. Fr Roque D’Souza prayed for the married couples present at the mass.

After the mass, reception programme was held at Bishop’s House Hall on third floor. The reception programme started with prayer dance by St Mary’s High School students. Msgr Baptist Menezes, Vicar General of the Diocese, Mr Leslie Aroza Family Commission Director, Rev. Fr Denis D’Sa PRO of Udupi diocese and Parish Priest of Kuntalnagar Church, Eugene Lasrado, One of the youngest and one of the oldest married couples were present on the dais. 

Leslie Aroza welcomed the gathering. The youngest and the oldest married couples cut the cake with enthusiasm. Rev. Fr Denis D’Sa raised the toast beautifully and meaningfully for the married couples. He said value your partner and don’t take them for granted. 

Vicar General Msgr. Baptist Menezes during his address pointed out punchasuthras (five points) to married couples. He briefed to married couple on Faithfulness, respect, life together, love is total, dialogue, relation, forgiveness and prayer.

Spot games were conducted by master of ceremony Roshan Sequeira of Kuntalnagar and prizes were distributed by Rev Fr. Royson of Udupi Church. The Bishop was present during the Holy Mass as well as during the reception programme in the hall.

Roshan Sequeira compered the programme. Eugene Lasrado delivered the vote of thanks. Fellowship meal was served to all the participants.




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