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June 21, Udupi: A felicitation program was organized by the Catholic Sabha  and Pastoral Council of Udupi Deanery for the Catholic elected representatives of the Grama Panchayats coming under Udupi deanery. They are:

St Lawrence Church, Moodubelle:

1. Mrs. Lydia  Fernandes

2. Mrs  Helen  D'Souza

3. Mrs  Monica  Noronha 

4. Mr  A.G.  D'Souza 

St Antony Church, Kuntalnagar:

1.     Winnifred D’Souza

2.     Dencil D’Souza

3.     Christine Mendonca

St Francis Xavier Church, Udyavara:

1.     Mr Lawrence D'Sa

2.     Mrs Judith Pereira.

3.     Mrs Gladys Mendonca

 St Vincent D’Paul Church, Katpadi

1.      Lawrence Fernandes 

 Mother of sorrows Church, udupi:

1.     Mrs Rita Gama, Ambalpadi Panchayat.


 The program began with the prayer song led by the Children’s Choir of Udupi Church. V. Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas, the dean of the Udupi Deanery welcomed the gathering.

Rev. Dr Lawrence D’Souza, Secretary of Catholic Education Society of Udupi in his motivational talk said that two books that should inspire us all are: First the Bible and second the Constitution of India. He called upon the elected representatives to follow these books faithfully so as to become the salt and the light of the world. He then presented 20 planks for a successful ministry whether in political field or any other. These 20 planks or steps of life were heavily based on the life and word of Jesus that appear in the Bible.

V. Rev. Msgr Baptist Menezes felicitated the elected representatives and invited them to become witness to Christ in whatever they do. He urged them to work for the welfare of human society. 

Three members spoke on behalf of the elected representatives.

Mr Charles Quadros, the President of the Catholic Sabha of Udupi Deanery spoke on the occasion. Mr John D’Souza, Secretary of the Deanery Pastoral Council proposed the vote of thanks. Fr Denis the PRO of the Diocese compered the program.

It was a well attended and meaningful function.


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