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Commission for Interreligious Dialogue, Catholic Sabha Udupi unit and 317C Loins District jointly organized interreligious Deepavali celebration at Udupi.

Most Rev. Gerald Lobo, Bishop of Udupi; V. Rev. Fr Valerian Mendonca, Parish Priest of Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi; Mrs. Suma S., Lecturer of Government Junior College, Hebri; Maulana Mohamod Sharvani Rajwi, Nurul Mosque Rangankere; Loins Dr. Tallur Shivarama Shetty, Loins District Governor 317c; Rev. Santhosh A., Pastor of UBM Abenezer Church, Malpe were present on the dais.

Most Rev. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo along with dignitaries inaugurated the program by lighting the lamp. Later Hindu, Christian and Muslim community leaders lit the 12 feet tower lamp.

In his presidential address, Bishop Gerald Lobo said, "Indian culture celebrates many festivals. It has contributed significantly in fostering cultural bonds among the people of different communities in the society. We celebrate festivals with pomp and gaiety without knowing the background, thereby focusing on glamour disregarding the significance of real cultural celebrations."

Mrs. Suma K., Rev. Santhosh A. and Maulana Mohamod Sharvani Rajwi spoke on the occasion. V. Rev. Fr Valerian Mendonca welcomed the gathering and Mr Michael D’Souza proposed vote of thanks. Mr Alphonse D’Costa compered the program.

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