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Rev. Fr Denis D’Sa, PRO of the new Diocese of Udupi and also Parish Priest of St. Antony’s Church at Kuntalnagar met various representatives of Konkani Associations of Udupi District in Dubai and addressed them to participate in the Pastoral Plan 2025 of the Udupi Diocese which has already been launched in all Parishes of the Diocese to build it by empowering women and the youth in all areas of their lives by taking care of their social, economic, educational, medical, Health & Hygiene needs and promote Communication, Faith and Evangelization. In order to achieve or implement these objectives envisaged in the said Plan, Fr Denis explained the needs of the new Diocese by presenting a few projects which were absolutely necessary by way of infrastructure and facility in building the Diocese with an appeal to all members of various Associations to be a part of this vision and mission by collaborating with the Diocese through publicity, generous financial contribution and perhaps by forming a good will group or Committee in Gulf to implement these projects and various plans. So, in a way, the purpose of this first meeting convened with such a short notice was to make the representatives of various Associations aware of the new vision and mission of the Diocese of Udupi and its various needs and projects and also create a platform for future venture and undertakings towards Udupi Diocese.







In his opening address, Mr. Walter Nandalike hailed Fr Denis D’Sa as a multi-talented persona, a prolific and rare individual gifted for his ability to think originally, execute plans to minutest details and organize events perfectly to the joy and happiness of all. He also gave a few examples of the dynamism that Fr Denis had displayed through offices he had held in the past especially at Sandesha as the Director and Fr Muller Medical College as its Administrator, his leadership qualities and his contribution in the field of music, medical and social activities. Mr Walter commended this initiative and purpose of the gathering meant to strengthen and build the new Diocese of Udupi by saying that it was indeed the need of the hour and stressed it to be so and not so much the individual churches. He strongly recommended that awareness be made about the vision and plans of the new Diocese among the people of GCC and carry this forward to other countries as well. Mr. Dayan D’Souza of Mukamar who was also a part of the initiative to convene this meeting said that collective efforts were needed towards achieving the vision of the new Diocese of Udupi.







Fr. Denis D’Sa gave details about the urgent projects before the Udupi Diocese to be implemented on top priority to provide basic infrastructure and development at various stages of peoples’ lives. The Diocese has five deaneries consisting of: Kallianpur, Shirva, Karkala, Udupi and Kundapur with a total of 50 parishes and over 65,000 Catholics. Some of the important and urgent projects placed before the representatives were: a) The Pastoral Centre to provide facilities for 18 Diocesan Commissions, training and conferences; Social Development Organization of Udupi Diocese (SAMAPADA) to cater to the needs of education, housing, women empowerment, integrated child development programme, Health Awareness programmes and sanitation; b) A Home for the Retired Priests; c) A  Minor Seminary; d) Medical Relief Fund (till a full-fledged General Hospital is constructed & established); and e) Bishop’s House. Fr. Denis appealed to the representatives of various Associations on behalf of the Bishop of Udupi to support these ventures for the benefit of the people of the new Diocese. He stressed the point that this initiative was in no way to be considered as competing with other Dioceses. He added by saying that it was true and a fact that we are geographically divided but the mission and ministry of evangelization were the same everywhere and for all to realize through the active involvement and participation, support and collaboration of all the faithful in the Dioceses especially for us that of Udupi and Mangalore.







During the free and frank discussion and interaction an unanimous suggestion found favour namely to support the new Diocese in its venture to build the same, which was an important task before all. Some even opined that building individual churches of high cost estimation should be discouraged or some guidelines to be provided for those who were in Gulf while entertaining requests for financial help towards construction of individual churches. It was discussed and proposed to hold further meetings in this regard with the Bishop of Udupi and his team.

Representatives of various Associations and renowned individuals from Udupi Diocese residing in Dubai were present at the meeting. Rony Byndoor conducted this event efficiently. This meeting was convened by the Karavali Milan along with other Associations of Dubai and Dayan D'Souza of Mukamar. Fr Denis D’Sa expressed his thanks to everyone for their presence and participation in the said meeting with such a short notice and their great, positive and encouraging enthusiasm demonstrated in their desire and goodwill towards the new Diocese of Udupi in its vision, mission and objectives with a call to be a part in its realization and implementation.







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