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A day of animation for all the office bearers of SFO in Udupi and Karwar  Diocese was held on 23rd Oct, 2014 in Milagres Cathedral, Udupi. The day started with a short inaugural function at 10.00 a.m. presided over by Rev. Fr. Joseph Dolphy Pais, Provincial of Holy Trinity Province and Rev. Fr. Stany Lobo, Rector of Cathedral. Fr. Manohar D’Souza, Provincial Spiritual Assistant for SFO organised the programme and welcomed the gathering. By invoking the Holy Spirit, the lamp was lit by the guests on the stage. As a mark of welcome, flowers were exchanged by the dignitaries on the stage and all the members were welcomed, as they stood when the names of the fraternities were called out. All the regional Spiritual Assistants namely, Fr. Prakash Lobo, Fr. Vijesh Menezes, Fr. Johnson D’mello and Fr. Valerian D’Silva were present. There were office bearers from five different regions namely, Karwar from 4 fraternities; Udupi from 15 fraternities; Shirva from 7 fraternities; from Kundapur from 8 fraternities and Karkal from 5 fraernities numbering to 200 participants.

At first, on behalf of Cathedral Parish,  Rev. Fr. Stany Lobo, Rector of the Cathedral wished all the best for the animation programme. Then, Fr. Rocky D’Cunha presented his talk with the aid of audio-visuals on the topic ‘Role of SFO in the renewal of the Church, with the example of Father Francis and Pope Francis’. After the presentation Fr. Provincial celebrated the Holy Eucharist and spoke about the role of SFO in the modern world highlighting  the 10 tips given by Pope Francis.  After the Holy Mass, all enjoyed a simple but delicious meal and got ready for another session of sharing. There was sharing of SFO members on their experience of joining the OFS.  There was a great enlightenment for all the participants. They were happy and went back home fully satisfied and hoping to renew their life once again. The programme concluded at 3.00 p.m. with the light tea and local snacks.












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