Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The Bishop of the Diocese of Udupi, Most.Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo made his pastoral visit to St. Vincent de Paul Church at Katapadi from 4th to 6th March, 2017. He was received at the main gate of the Church at 3.45 p.m. on Saturday, the 4th of March by the parishioners who took out a procession to the Church. This was followed by Prayer Service in the Church and visit to the Cemetery. He also held a class for confirmation children.

The Bishop held meetings with the Finance Committee and Parish Pastoral Council members along with the members of 18 Commissions.

The new website of the Katapady parish was launched on this occasion. The URL of the new website of the parish is: www.http://stvincentdepaulchurchkatapady.com  

The Confirmation Mass was celebrated on Sunday the 5th of March. A total of 23 children were confirmed. This was followed by meetings with the various associations of the parish, viz. Missionary Childhood Society, Altar Servers, Girls Sodality, YCS, Catechism Teachers, ICYM, Catholic Sabha and Stree Sangatan. He also participated in SCC meeting held at SVP Ward.


On 6th March the Bishop celebrated Mass at Holy Cross. He then visited the sick in Nityadar Ward and Milar Ward. He held meetings with the Secular Franciscan Order, Legion of Mary, and SVP. He spent some time in verifying the parish records and registers. He had discussions with the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Ronson D’Souza CSC.

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Bishop’s House, Udupi - 576 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Cell: 9845469978 (O)
Email: [email protected]