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The Christian community came together for a Christian Unity Octave Prayer Service at Kalmady Church on 23rd January, 2019.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese; Rev. Fr Santhosh A., Asst. Priest of U.B.M. Church Malpe; Rev. Fr David Nirmanic, Parish Priest of U.B.M. Church Malpe; Rev. Fr Harold Pereira, Director of Ecumenism Commission; Rev. Fr Francis Cornelio, Parish Priest of Thottam; Rev. Fr Alban D’Souza, Parish Priest of Kalmady; Rev. Fr William `Martis; Rev. Fr Charles Saldhana and Rev. Fr Gabriel Samuel, Parish Priest of C.S.I. Church Malpe were present on this occasion.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo inaugurated the prayer service by lighting the lamp. Rev. Fr Santhosh conducted the inaugural prayer. First reading and prayer song was led by U.B.M Church Malpe and the Second reading and prayer song was led by C.S.I. Church Malpe. Alleluia was sung by Stella Maris Church Choir members. Rev. Fr David Nirmanic gave a meaningful homily on Christian unity. Rev. Fr Francis Cornelio conducted Christian Unity prayer.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo gave his message on Christian unity and gave his final blessing. Rev. Fr Alban D’Souza proposed vote of thanks. U.B.M, C.S.I and Stella Maris church members were present on the occasion.

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