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The pastoral visit to the St. Francis Xavier Church, Udyavara took place from 24th to 26th February, 2017. The Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Lobo was received and welcomed at 4:30 p.m. He along with the Faithful of the parish visited the cemetery and prayed for the repose of all the faithful departed. In the evening he held meetings with Catechism Teachers, Legion of Mary, Secular Franciscan Order and Parish Financial Committee.

Day 2, Saturday the 25th February began at 6:45 a.m. with the Bishop celebrating Mass at Pallotti Convent. He met with the Sisters after the Mass.  He addressed both the Kannada and English School Assemblies and had discussions with the School Staff.  He also visited the Kannada High School. This was followed by meeting with the members of St. Vincent de Paul Society. He spent time with the Confirmation candidates teaching them the confirmation catechism. The Mass with people was celebrated at 4:30 p.m. The YCS and ICYM youth had meeting with the Bishop at 6:00 p.m.  The day concluded with a meeting of the Bishop with Parish Pastoral Council and Members of 18 Commissions.

The final day of the Pastoral visit, Sunday the 26th February was set apart for the Confirmation Mass and other meetings. The Confirmation Mass was concelebrated at 7:30 a.m. A total of 42 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Bishop met with the Missionary Children (IV-X), Altar Servers and Girls Sodality. He had also meetings with the Sthree Sanghatan and the Catholic Sabha. The Bishop visited the SFX Charity Convent too.


He met the clergy and checked up the Parish records and registers. This was followed by Communion to the Sick and SCC Ward Meeting.  Finally on 26th February the Bishop concluded his pastoral visit with a prayer service.

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