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The newly Ordained Bishop of Allahabad Diocese Most Rev. Dr Louis Mascarenhas celebrated the Thanksgiving Mass in his native parish of St John Bosco, Kelmbet of Udupi Diocese on 20 October 2023. The Parish Community and the Family members had organized this Thanksgiving Celebration. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi Diocese, Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese and a host of other priests concelebrated at this thanksgiving Eucharist.

The newly consecrated Bishop of Allahabad was felicitated after the Mass at a colorful and memorable reception hosted by the Family members. Rev. Fr Eugene Mascarenhas, former Vicar General of Allahabad Diocese and the cousin of Bishop Louis raised the toast. Bishop Gerald and Bishop Peter Paul greeted the new Bishop and wished him well. Bishop Louis recalled to mind the nostalgic memories of his childhood and expressed his gratitude to God almighty, his dear parents, former Parish priests, relatives and friends. He also paid respect to his Gurus by felicitating them during the function.

Around 600 invitees took part in the felicitation function.

The Udupi Diocese wishes well to Bishop Louis Mascarenhas in his ministry in Allahabad.


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