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The annual Pastoral Consultation of the clergy of the Diocese of Udupi was held at ‘ANUGRAHA’, Udupi Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Kakkunje on 21th August, 2023.  About 70 Diocesan and Religious priests took part in the consultation.  

The Consultation was inaugurated by Msgr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Vicar General of Udupi Diocese. In his inaugural address he said that it was heartening to see so many priests attending the annual pastoral consultation. He invited the members to take active part in the deliberations of the day.

After the inaugural address, the Sacerdotal Golden Jubilarians were felicitated.

Later the following sessions were held:0I Session: Faith Formation: Rev. Fr Vijay Machado, Director of Mangala Jyothi, Mangaluru Diocese was the resource person. He explained the various stages and methods of Faith Formation. He also emphasised on the YouCat for the youth. An interaction followed after the presentation. Fr John Walter Mendonca moderated the discussion session.

  • II Session: On Pastoral Issues. V. Rev. Fr Roshan D’Souza, the Chancellor of the Diocese explained the general guidelines on various pastoral issues with a special emphasis on the inter-faith and mixed marriages. The members raised various issues of pastoral interest and clarified their doubts. Fr George D’Souza was the moderator of this session.
  • III Session: The Priests’ Welfare Scheme (PWS) Annual General Body Meeting. In the absence of the Bishop, the Vicar General Msgr Ferdinand Gonsalevs Chaired the meeting. The PWS board of directors were present at the meeting. The secretary presented the audited statement of accounts for the year 2022-23. After some discussion and clarifications by the secretary the accounts were passed unanimously.

Rev. Fr Ashwin Aranha, Asst. Parish Priest of Kundapur compeered the day’s program and Rev. Dr Leslie D’Souza, Secretary of Council of Priests proposed a vote of thanks. The consultation ended at 4.30 p.m.

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