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Christians across the district observed Palm Sunday on April 2, commemorating the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem ahead of his crucifixion and resurrection, marking the beginning of the Holy Week.

Devotees with palm leaves participated in the procession, singing hymns and reciting prayers to commemorate Christ’s passion and death. After the procession, a solemn Mass was celebrated in remembrance of the passion of Christ.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, celebrated the Palm Sunday Service at Mother of Sorrows Church Udupi along with the parish priest Fr Charles Menezes and other priests.

The Faithful gathered in churches of various Christian denominations across the district and participated in the processions carrying palm leaves, symbolising the reception given to Jesus when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday. Palm Sunday is celebrated in two parts. In the first part of the service, the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is recalled and acclaimed by all the people. The procession started from Bethany, the village of Lazarus, Martha and Mary, and ended in the Temple of Jerusalem. During the second part of the service, people read and reflect on the passion and death of Jesus Christ.

The faithful will observe fast and hold special prayers in the next week until Easter Sunday on April 9, marking Christ’s resurrection after the crucifixion on April 7, Good Friday.

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