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90 couples of the Karkal Deanery renewed their marital vows during the Holy Eucharist celebrated on the occasion of the Deanery Married Couples' Day held at Attur Church. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Bishop of Udupi was the main celebrant. Rev. Fr Joswey Fernandes, Dean of Karkal Deanery Rev. Fr Alphonsus D’Lima - Parish Priest of Attur church, Rev. Fr Jerome Montero, the spiritual director of deanery family commission and Rev. Fr Roshan Menezes, Episcopal Vicar for Religious and other deanery Priests concelebrated with the Bishop. 

In his homily the Bishop said that the married couples should live a life of total commitment to each other. Family is the foundation of the Church and society. All of us should strive to make our families Holy Families after the model of the Holy Family of Nazareth. We have a perfect model in the Triune God, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit who live in perfect love and harmony.

After the mass, a reception was held in the Parish hall. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo, Rev. Fr Joswey Fernandes, Fr Jerome Montero, the youngest Couple Mr. & Mrs. Deepak & Reshma and the Oldest Couple Mr. & Mrs. Ignatius & Leena Lobo were present on the dais. The programme began with Welcome dance by St Lawrence School Children and welcome song by St Lawrence choir team.     

V Rev. Fr Joswey D’Souza raised the toast during public function which was held in honour of the 90 couples. He said that every couple will face trials and troubles but if they count on Jesus Christ, He will see them through all the troubles of life. The senior most couple and the junior most couple were felicitated on this occasion.

Mr. Leslie Arouza, the director of diocesan family commission was the host and proposed vote of thanks. Mr Praveen was the M.C. of the programme.



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