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After preparing the married couples for 3 consecutive Sundays ‘Family Day’ was celebrated with the theme ”Marriage being the sacrament, is a life of the Cross". During the homily Rev. Fr. Paul Rego highlighted the family bond i.e what makes/ builds up a family:

  1. A loving heart.
  2. Togetherness in prayer, meals, working together, going out, entertainment, upbringing of children by word and example.
  3. Mutual understanding.
  4. Forgive and Forget the faults.
  5. Sharing and Caring.
  6. Patience and Perseverance.
  7. Complementing and Respect towards each other.

After the homily, vows were exchanged led by Naveen and Sharol Quadras. Prayers over Husband and Wife, Couples prayer over their Children and Children's prayer for Parents were led by Vincent & Saritha Alva and their children.

Couples were applauded by the congregation. Parish priest congratulated the couples and their families.









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