Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

It was with great joy that the People of God of St Joseph’s Church at Belman  received the Bishop of Udupi, Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo for the Pastoral Visit  along with the Parish Priest Rev. Fr Edwin  D’Souza and Asst. Priest Rev Fr Roy Lobo on 27 January 2018 in the evening  at 4 pm.

Thereafter the Bishop was taken in a procession into the church for a preliminary rite which was followed by a visit to the cemetery. The Bishop then took Catechism session for the Confirmation children. This was followed by his meetings with the Finance Council and Parish Pastoral Council members.

On 28 January the Bishop celebrated Confirmation Mass during which 51 candidates   were administered the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Bishop in his homily instructed the people on the importance of family life.

After the Mass the Bishop had meetings with several groups, viz. Catholic Sabha, YCS, I.C.Y.M, Missionaries Children Association and Altar Servers, Secular Franciscan Order, Girls Sodality and Parish Catholic Teachers. He attended the S.C.C. meeting in a Ward.  The Bishop also spent time with the sick in the parish.

On 29 January the Bishop celebrated Mass in the Don Bosio Convent at Belman and thereafter interacted with the Sisters. He visited the St Joseph Educational Institutions and addressed the school children during their assembly. He had meeting with School teachers, 18 commissions’ Coordinator and Animators. He visited the St Antony Chapel at Pakala.

The Pastoral Visit to Belman Church was over around 6 pm. that day and the Bishop left for Udupi Bishop’s House thereafter.

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Cell: 90044 76644 (O)
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