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St Vincent De Paul Society Belman Unit Celebrated its Golden Jubilee on 15 November, 2015.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo Celebrated the Thanksgiving Eucharist along with V Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas, Dean, Parish Priest Udupi and the Diocesan Spiritual director of St Vincent De Paul Society, Rev. Fr Lawrence D’Souza, Parish Priest, Belman and Fr John Baptist Moras, Asst Parish Priest of Belman. In his homily Bishop Gerald spoke about the commandment of love advocated by Jesus and how St Vincent De Paul practiced it in his service to the last and the least. He lauded the service of the St Vincent De Paul societies all over the world, particularly the service rendered by the Bleman Unit for the last 50 years. He also thanked the donors who contribute generously to the society so that the good work they do could be continued.

Later a felicitation program was organized in the Church grounds. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo presided over the function. V Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas, the Diocesan Spiritual Director for the St Vincent De Paul Society, Fr Lawrence D’Souza, Mr. Gratian Bothello, Diocesan President, St Vincent De Paul Society, Sr. Usha, Mr. Ronald, Mr. Gregory Menezes, Mrs. Lydia Aranha and Mr. John Mendonca were present on the dais. The programme began with a welcome dance. Mrs. Remelia D’Souza welcomed the gathering. Mr. John Mendonca presented the annual report of the Belman Unit of St Vincent De Paul Society.

Mr Gratian Bothello congratulated the members of the St Vincent De Paul society, Belman Unit. He said that not only the members but there are others who are not members but always lend a helping hand. Indirectly, they too are the members of SVP. He recalled the origin of this society. He said today SVP is serving the poor in 149 Countries of the world and there are about 40 lakh members who render their selfless service through this society. He said that in 1982 India secured the 18th rank in secret collection. We need to maintain this momentum.  

V Rev. Fr Fred Mascarenhas recalling the role played by Fr Nicolas Pereira in his life said that Fr Pereira is his role model. He not only preached but practiced the commandment of love by reaching out to the poor and the needy. Fr Pereira is the founder director of SVP in Belman.

 Fr Lawrence D’Souza in his address said that the words of Jesus “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters that you do unto me” are the vision and mission statements for the SVP. The SVP of Belman has been realizing their mission statement in their service to the poor. He thanked the members for their service for the last 50 years. He remembered the departed members of the unit and their spiritual directors.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo said that the mission of the Diocese is that there should not be any needy person in the diocese. He said that in the Diocese of Udupi of the 50 Parishes, 48 Parishes’ have SVP Society which is a good indicator towards the realization of the mission statement. He said that their service also should be supported by prayer hence he invited them for a day of prayer at least twice a year. He suggested a few ways to save money so that they can help a few more needy persons.

Mr. Sylvester D’Mello proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Laila compered the program. Around 800 members from different units took part in this program.



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