Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

Belman, July 7: Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo paid a visit to the popular St Antony Chapel, at Manjarapalke near Belman and celebrated Holy Eucharist there. The Parish Priest of Belman Rev. Fr Lawrence B. D’souza and Asst. Parish Priest John Baptist Moras were concelebrants.


This is a popular chapel dedicated to St Antony where thousands people come together on the feast of St Antony on June 13. People from all walks of life and faiths visit this shrine during the year. Masses are offered here on Every Tuesday and a number of devotees come here and take part in the Holy Eucharist and place before the Lord their intentions through the powerful intercession of St Antony. May St Antony, intercede for us too.


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