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Udupi Diocesan unit of Prison Ministry of India organized Christmas celebration in Udupi District prison at Hiriyadka on 27 December, 2022. 

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese; Mr Siddaram B. Patil, Jail superintendent, Hiriyadka; Rev. Fr Reginald Pinto, Spiritual Director of Prison Ministry of India Udupi Diocesan Unit; Mr Rosario D’Souza, Co-ordinator of Prison Ministry of India Udupi Diocesan Unit; Mr Gratian Bothello, Member of Prison Ministry of India Udupi Diocesan Unit; Mr Walter Martis, President SVP Central Council Udupi Diocese were present on the dias.

Mr Siddaram B. Patil, Rev. Fr Reginald Pinto and Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo gave Christmas message. Mr Alwyn and team sang the Christmas carols and Students of Pallotti Convent Udyavar Performed Christmas Dance.

All members of Prison Ministry of India Udupi Diocesan Unit were present on the occasion. Mr Rosario D’Souza welcomed the gathering and Mr Walter Martis proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Gratian Bothello compered the programme. After the programme Christmas sweets and chocolates were distributed to the prisoners. 


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