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The Centenary Jubilee celebration of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Pangala-Shankerpura that was inaugurated by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo on 22 November 2021 culminated with the valedictory programme on Tuesday, 20 December 2022 with a solemn Thanksgiving Mass concelebrated by three Bishops-Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza- Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha- Bishop of Mangalore Diocese and Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo-Bishop of Udupi Diocese and 38 priests. Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza was the main celebrant.

Prior to the solemn Thanksgiving Mass, the members of the Parish Council along with other parishioners came in procession from Shankerpura township to the church in a grand procession accompanied by the brass band from Honnavara, holding colourful canopies and singing hymns.

In his introduction, Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza conveyed the greetings of the centenary celebration to all the Pangala parishioners. He said that the people of pangla parish have written the history of 100 years of the parish through their faith and service. He recalled the fact that when he was the seminarian in Jeppu Mangalore, there were 22 seminarians belonging to Pangala Parish, highest for any parish in the Mangalore Diocese.

In his homily, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha said that  Pangala means Jasmine flowers and fragrance, which have been famous all over the world. The beauty of a bride multiplies only when she is decked with Jasmine flowers. As Jasmine and fragrance are the integral part of Pangala, so also their faith and devotion to Almighty God. The patron saint of the parish, St. John the Evangelist was one of the favourite Apostles of Jesus Christ who had written in his Gospel that God is Love. He called upon the parishioners to spread the fragrance of love of  Jesus Christ.

At the end of the Solemn Thanksgiving Mass, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves expressed gratitude to three Bishops and all the priests and parishioners who had participated in the Mass.

The Choir well trained by Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Rector of the Milagres Cathedral heightened the devotional fervour of the Thanksgiving Mass with melodious singing.

The felicitation programme commenced soon after the solemn Thanksgiving Mass. Following the prayer and welcome dances, the dignitaries occupied their chairs on the dais. The Centenary Valedictory programme was presided over by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo. Other dignitaries on the dais included: Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Rev. Dr. Leslie D’Souza-Dean of Shirva Deanery and Parish Priest of Our Lady of Health Church, Shirva, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves-Parish Priest of Pangala, Rev. Fr. Anil Pinto and Rev. Fr. Vijay D’Souza-Assistant Priests of Pangala, Vinay Kumar Sorake-former MLA of Kaup Constituency, Albert W. D’Souza-Entrepreneur from Mumbai, Mrs. Indira Acharya-President of the Katapadi Grama Panchayat, John Rodrigues-Vice President of the Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs. Anita D’Souza-Secretary and Mrs. Seema Margaret DSouza-Coordinator of pastoral commissions.

Following the welcome address by Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves, Rev. Fr. Rayan D’Souza read out the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis sent to the Pangala Parishioners on the occasion of the Centenary celebration. John Rodrigues narrated briefly the history of the Pangala Parish from its inception in 1922 and the various developments that had taken place under different Parish priests.

Three of the surviving former Parish priests of Pangala-Rev. Fr. Vincent Monteiro, Rev. Fr. Herald D’Souza and Rev. Dr. Leslie D’Souza were honoured by the three Bishops. In his reply to the honour, Rev. Dr. Leslie D’Souza expressed happiness and pride for having been the Parish Priest of the parish and being honoured on the occasion of the centenary celebration.

Vinay Kumar Sorake, speaking after bring honoured by the three Bishops, said that he was fortunate to be present on this occasion and being honoured and blessed by the three Bishops. 

On this occasion the Assistant Parish Priests who had served the parish in the past, Rev. Fr. Ivan Madtha, Rev. Fr. Vincent Sequeira, Rev. Fr. Vincent DSouza, Rev. Fr. Royson Fernandes and Rev. Fr. Roshan DCunha; two former principals of the St. John the Evangelist Educational Institutions-Rev. Fr. Vishal Lobo and Rev. Fr. Vincent Coelho, Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca who trained the Parish Choir for the Centenary Thanksgiving Mass were honoured by the dignitaries on the dais.

All the former Vice Presidents and Secretaries of the Parish pastoral Council, leaders of Pangalite Associations in Mumbai and Gulf Countries including Bahrain, Kuwait, Muscat, Saudi Arabia and UAE were felicitated for their service to the parish. Similarly, all those parishioners who had donated  more than Rs. 25,000/- were honoured. Thereafter, all the former Gurkars of 21 wards were felicitated.

Soon after his felicitation, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha released the Centenary Souvenir edited by Gabriel Martis as the Chief Editor and Wilfred R. D’Souza as the Assistant Editor.

Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza was the next dignitary to be honoured on this occasion. Delivering his message, Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza said that he was honoured to be the chief celebrant offering the solemn Thanksgiving Mass and hoped that there would be more vocations from the parish.

The President of the Katapadi Grama Panchayat Mrs. Indira Acharya and Albert W. D’Souza were felicitated. The Parish Council office bearers-John Rodrigues-Vice President, Mrs. Anita D’Souza-Secretary and Mrs. Seema Margaret D’Souza-Convener of 20 Commissions were felicitated. The present Assistant Parish Priests-Rev. Fr. Anil Pinto and Rev. Fr. Vijay D’Souza were honoured. Finally, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves was honoured by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo for his leadership in organizing the Centenary celebrations in a grand manner.

In his presidential message, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo expressed his happiness at the grand celebration of the Centenary of the Pangla Parish and complimented the Parish Priest, Assistant Priests and all the parishioners for the success of the programmes associated with the Centenary celebration. He further said that as the Parish enters into the second century after completing the first century of its spiritual and socio-cultural journey, a life time is not enough to thank God for his bountiful blessings. Speaking further, the Bishop said that the parish of Pangla has provided spiritual and lay leaders who have made the parish very proud.

Mrs. Anita D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks. Wilfred R. D’Souza and Ashwin Rodrigues compered the programme.


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