Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The Bishop of Udupi, Rt. Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo was on Pastoral Visit to Our Lady of Fatima Church, Mundkur from 10th and 11th December, 2022. Rev. Fr Ronald Miranda, the Parish Priest and the parishioners extended a warm welcome to him.

After the preliminary rites, the Bishop visited the cemetery and conducted the prayer service. The Bishop had a session on Catechism for the Confirmation children. Later He interacted with the parish finance committee members, Altar Boys; Sthree Sanghatan; Catholic Sabha; SFO; Legion of Mary, SVP and Parish Pastoral Council with 20 commissions’ animators. Bishop visited the sick members of the parish.

In the evening Bishop Celebrated holy Eucharist along with Rev. Fr Ronald Miranda, Parish Priest of Mundkur; Rev. Fr Oswald Montheiro, Parish Priest of Kirem and other guest priests concelebrated with the Bishop. During the mass New Cross, Altar and Tabernacle was blessed.  After the mass felicitation programme was held at Parish Hall.

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