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Kallianpur Deanery level Catholic Sabha organized Interreligious Christmas Get-together at Mount Rosary Church auditorium on 01st December, 2018.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese; K. Raghupati Bhat, M.L.A. of Udupi; Mr M. A. Gafoor, General Secretary, KPCC; Mr Alwyn Quadras, Diocesan President of Catholic Sabha of Udupi Pradesh; Rev. Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Spiritual Director of Catholic Sabha and Director of Udupi Diocesan Laity Commission; Rev. Fr Leslie Clifferd D’Souza, Parish Priest of Mount Rosary Church, Santhekatte; Mr Elroy Kiran Crasto, Director of Udupi Diocesan Labor Commission; Mr Santhosh Carnelio, President of Catholic Sabha Kallianpur Deanery and others were present on the dais.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Lobo inaugurated the get-together by cutting the Christmas cake with the dignitaries. Most Rev. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Mr K. Raghupati Bhat, Mr M.A. Gafoor spoke on this occasion.

After the stage program White Doves Mangalore presented the message of the birth of Jesus and the inspirational life of his Disciple St Thomas enacted by 200 artists, with different platforms, unique voices, songs, conveying the message of peace.

Mr Santhosh Cornelio welcomed the gathering and Mr Valerian Fernandes proposed vote of thanks. Around 1000 people were present on this occasion.

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