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The Golden Jubilee of St Paul Chapel, Neelavar near Brahmavar was celebrated with great joy, fervour and devotion on Saturday 20 January  2018.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo presided over the thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration along with Very Rev. Fr Joseph Dolphy Pais the Capuchin Provincial Minister, Rev. Fr Victor Fernandes OFM Cap, Parish Priest of Holy Family Church at Brahmavar,  Rev. Fr Roshan D’Souza OFM Cap, Rev. Fr Dominic Veigas and other priests from the deanery and outside who were also present.

In his homily, Bishop of Udupi said: "As we celebrate the golden jubilee of this chapel, it is a happy occasion for the Catholics of Neelavar. The theme of this day is also jubilee celebration; This is how we celebrate the jubilee year. The Jews used to celebrate Sabbath on the seventh day. It was also a day of rest for them. Jubilee year while is a celebration, it also calls for reflection of our mission and ministry for God and His People, time to reconcile with one another and go forward with jubilee joy to live for God and one another.  Looking back to fifty years of the history of this chapel, we know and are aware of the  sacrifices of priests, the efforts of our ancestors and dedication of people which has paved way for the celebration of this joyful event, the Jubilee. This jubilee celebration can be celebrated with five ‘S’ that is ‘Smarane’ - remembrance, ‘Santhapa' - solace, ‘Sadhana’ - mediation, ‘Sanmarga’ - the good path, and ‘Sambrama’ - celebration. These five words sum up the meaning of jubilee.”

A short stage programme was held. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi, Very Rev. Dr Joseph Dolphy Pais, OFM Cap, Provincial, Holy Trinity Province of Karnataka, Mr. Pramod Madhwaraj, Minister in-charge Udupi, State Minster for youth, sports, fisheries Mrs. Asha Kotian, Neelavar Panchayat President, Rev. Fr Victor Fernandes,  Rev. Fr Roshan D’Souza Rev. Fr Dominic Veigas,  Rev. Fr Anthony Vaz, Mr Ravi Prakash Gonsalves Mr. Antony Barnes, Mrs. Philomena D'Souza and others were present on the dais.

Mr. Pramod Madhwaraj, Rev. Fr Antony Vaz, V. Rev. Dr. Joseph Dolphy Pais and Mrs. Asha Kotian addressed  the gathering on the occasion. Former parish priests, Sponsors and donors were also felicitated.

Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Lobo Address the gathering said, “I thank God for this day and congratulate all the parishioners of the parish on this day. May God bless you all! We are indeed happy today. I can see the dedication and happiness of the people today. The late Fr Alfred Roche had lit a lamp and with the service of Capuchin priests, they have kept this chapel lively. I’m thankful to the parish priest and the assistant priest of Brahmavar church for their interest towards this chapel. There are many changes in this place after my pastoral visit last time. The efforts and dedication and the service to the people must be lauded. There are only 32 families here but they havemade this celebration really a beautiful one. I appreciate their work and dedication.”

Mrs Philomena D’Souza welcomed the gathering. Mr. Vishal D’Souza proposed  vote of thanks. Fellowship meal was served to all those who attended the Jubilee function.

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