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Udupi Diocesan Priests' cemetery was inaugurated and blessed at Mount Rosary Church, Santhekatte on All Souls Day on 2nd November, 2020.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of the diocese was the chief celebrant of the Eucharist along with Rev. Fr Leslie D’Souza, Parish Priest and Rev. Fr Steevan Fernandes, Asst. Parish Priest of Mount Rosary Church, Santhekatte. In his homily, the bishop explained the need to pray for the departed brethren, the meaning of the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting in heaven with the Risen Lord with references from Scripture. After the Eucharist, the Bishop blessed the newly-built cemetery dedicated to the burial of the priests of Udupi diocese.

The bishop thanked the parishioners of Mount Rosary for generously donating space for the graveyard of the priests. “This place should not be one of fear, but a place to relax and to recall the memories of our forefathers. There is no separate graveyard for priests. The people who lived and sacrificed their entire life will be with laity even after their departure from this world” he said.

Rev. Fr Leslie D'Souza welcomed the gathering. Mr Ronnie Saldanha, secretary of the parish pastoral council proposed the vote of thanks. Parish pastoral committee members and parishioners were present on the occasion.

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