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Already a month is over after we celebrated the New Year 2020. Days pass by faster than we can cope with and our life cycle continues to move forward whether we make it to move or it moves without our noticing it. Human life as we all know and need to believe that it is the highest form of life here in earth which is the summit of all creations and noblest of all. This being the case, we need to protect, preserve and build it with utmost respect and dignity not only that of ours but also that of others because in the words of the holy Bible, God created human life: Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness;”..................... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them,................. (Genesis 1:26–28). Being custodians of our own life, we are called upon to safeguard it from all evil and vices and enrich it by being human, dignified, virtuous and respectful.

The other way of making our human life noble and sublime is to be truly becoming a child of God. In and through the sacrament of baptism, we have become God’s child and heir to His Kingdom. Our consecration therefore entitles us to inherit salvation assured by Christ after His death on the Cross and His resurrection. This means that we are called to a life of holiness and continuous consecration of ourselves in order to rise above human limitations and petty-mindedness. The presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (Luke 2:22) which is celebrated on 02nd of this month served two purposes; the first is the redemption of the first-born and the second is the purification of Mary. The first-born belonged to the Lord according to the Book of Exodus 13:1. The purification of the mother in Jewish Law (Lev 12) was purification from ritual uncleanness after childbirth. Of course Our Lady did not need this purification because she was a virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus but underwent it to fulfill the Law. Religious communities keep their day of consecration (Profession) on this feast of the Presentation which is very meaningful and sublime because Jesus’ parents (Mary and Joseph) through this act of presentation consecrated the child Jesus to God to fulfill the mission for which He was sent by Him.

On 26th of this month we will enter into the holy season of Lent. These forty days of Lent are God given opportunity and grace to all of us to reflect upon our own lives, where and how we stand before our Life-Giver the Creator by living and promoting our consecration.

 XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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