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It is unfortunately true that the month of August brought a lot of havoc to several states in our Country with heavy rain, floods, landslides and destruction of homes, estates, livestock and plantations never seen before. Nature’s fury was so intense that the unabated rain forced the state governments to open gates of dams to release overflowing river water fearing dam collapse which in turn resulted in flooding villages and properties in and around the dams beyond ones imagination, expectation and anticipation because incessant rain continued to break open the skies and pour down. Nature’s fury brought in human misery rendering people hopeless and homeless and rescue operation and mission of men and matter, humans and livestock were indeed a herculean task for governments, volunteers, social workers and NGOs. It was also the time to test our faith in God and love for our neighbour but, it was consoling to note that men and women of peace and goodwill and from all walks of life came forward to mitigate the misery caused due to this natural calamity. Those of us who have been privileged and fortunate to live in safer and comfortable places should think of all those who have become shelter-less, home-less and hope-less so that normalcy will return to them and in their lives faster than expected. Our hearts and good actions must go towards the victims of these massive calamities in providing solace, assistance and necessities of daily life in the struggle and mission of rehabilitation and restoration.

September seems to be a promising month of serenity, peace, greenery and vegetation and after the storm of August there seem to have slowly descended on us the calm so that we are able to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 8th with the usual and traditional gaiety and solemnity. This feast of Our Lady is especially dear to children who will flock to Infant Mary with variety of flowers to be found in abundance all around during this month. The incessant rain and floods would have caused extensive damage to vegetation and crops but we hope and pray that Our Heavenly Mother will provide us with all that is necessary to rejoice at the celebration of Her birthday and continue to intercede for us with Her Son Jesus Christ to be God’s worthy sons and daughters on pilgrimage here and heirs of heavenly Kingdom. I wish all of you a Happy Monthi Festh.


 XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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