Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The month of June in the given year is a crucial month for many reasons. It tells us that half a year is about to be over and another half is before us to choose, discern and organize ourselves if God who is the Master of our lives will grant us the remaining days and months. This must make us feel grateful for God’s providence and mercy and increase our trust in Him without whom we can do nothing (Jn 15:5); classes will start for school going children; courses for those who have opted for professional studies; institutions will open for those who were on holidays and for good many, this month will be the beginning of a new era in their lives professionally, vocationally and business wise. The acute summer’s heat will give way to monsoon season ushering in the much awaited rainy season which will bring cooler air, fresher environment and greener landscape. And to our beloved Motherland India, we have a new Government at the Centre. Let us hope, wish and pray that all these changes and developments: seasonal and otherwise, within our control or outside of us, will be for our good, benefit and for better living.

Month of June is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the solemnity is celebrated on 28. There are other important solemnities to be celebrated: the Ascension of the Lord (02), Pentecost (09), the Most Holy Trinity (16), Corpus Christi – the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (23), the Birth of St John the Baptist (24), St Peter and St Paul - Apostles (29) – no other month is blessed with so many feasts and solemnities as June has been. Let us rejoice over God’s abundant blessings on our lives, on our nature and environment and on our Nation. Let us make ourselves worthy of all these good things for life by protecting our nature and environment, by building a strong and secular Country, by respecting and promoting human life and dignity. All these our wishes of the heart and desires of men and women of goodwill will truly be possible when we surrender ourselves to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is Meek and Humble of Heart (Matt 11:29). May the Sacred Heart of Jesus make our hearts like unto his. May God bless us all.


 XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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