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By the time this message of mine is before you, it is already middle of the month of May. It is better late than never, I still thought of placing this message before you since the month of May is the month specially dedicated to our heavenly Mother Mary and her devotion is made more intense and prominent by gathering before Her Grotto for the recitation of the holy rosary and meditating over the various mysteries attached to every decade of the rosary. Today the Holy Mother the Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima (May 13). She appeared to three children by name Lucia Dos Santos age 9, and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, ages 8 and 6 six times on 13th of every month (except in August) beginning from May 1917. Her message to the world was for penance, prayer and devotion to her Immaculate Heart. While the month of May therefore is quite dear to all of us because the Blessed Virgin Mary is our dearest Mother, we also celebrate Mothers’ Day on 12 of this month so much so the Konkanni hymn: Tun khalzachya gondya mojya….and Mai moinyache dulob raniye fits very well to the message of May and to the beauty of motherhood.

Month of May I am sure has been a month of blessings for many because the school results were out, NEET exam was over and admissions to college and professional studies would have taken place in all earnestness and in full swing. Let us be grateful for this month of May which calls us all to gather around our Heavenly Mother Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, reminds us all of our earthly mother who has given us birth, nourished, nurtured and took care of each one of us with tremendous love, selfless sacrifice and dedication and let us all keep before our eyes the message of Fatima for penance, rosary prayer and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.May God bless you all.

XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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