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 The month of March is important for many reasons and one among them is for all school / P.U. college going students: it’s time for final examinations. Hence, while there are some who anxiously look forward to it to dawn on them so that they are able to appear for their exams, for others it is a month filled with anxiety, nervousness and even fear. This month is also the time to usher in summer which has already begun in full swing compared to previous years, so summer’s heat and the tension due to annual exams’ (heat) I suppose will not cause parents, guardians and educationalists more stress and distress  which they surely will undergo and experience at this month of the year. This month is also a sort of a bridge to cross over towards the future to seriously think about and choose the future: a degree course, a specialization, etc. so I wish them all every success and a bright future so that all will be successful in their exams, selection of courses and studies and even a future course of action. In the midst of tensions one undergoes during March, there will follow holidays after it, so there are days also to relax, reflect and look forward to, so be consoled and happy, because as it is said that: after the storm there comes the calm and, after every cloud of darkness, there comes the sliver line or the sunshine.

For us believers, this March will user us into the holy season of Lent which we begin on Ash Wednesday. Forty days of prayer, fast and penance are indeed God-given opportunities for us all to reflect, meditate and unite ourselves to the sufferings of Christ and days to walk definitely towards the Holy Hill called the Calvary on which Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by hanging on the wood of the Cross drew humanity to Himself and wrought our salvation and assured us a new life of resurrection. May the month of March therefore be one of hope, joy and bright future for all students in successfully shaping their life aspirations and for all believers to experience the grace of Lent which is a call to follow Christ walking behind His Way of the Cross and to share in His unending joy of the resurrection.

The month of March is important for many reasons and one among them is for all school / P.U. college going students: it’s time for final examinations. Hence, while there are some who anxiously look forward to it to dawn on them so that they are able to appear for their exams, for others it is a month filled with anxiety, nervousness and even fear. This month is also the time to usher in summer which has already begun in full swing compared to previous years, so summer’s heat and the tension due to annual exams’ (heat) I suppose will not cause parents, guardians and educationalists more stress and distress  which they surely will undergo and experience at this month of the year. This month is also a sort of a bridge to cross over towards the future to seriously think about and choose the future: a degree course, a specialization, etc. so I wish them all every success and a bright future so that all will be successful in their exams, selection of courses and studies and even a future course of action. In the midst of tensions one undergoes during March, there will follow holidays after it, so there are days also to relax, reflect and look forward to, so be consoled and happy, because as it is said that: after the storm there comes the calm and, after every cloud of darkness, there comes the sliver line or the sunshine.

For us believers, this March will user us into the holy season of Lent which we begin on Ash Wednesday. Forty days of prayer, fast and penance are indeed God-given opportunities for us all to reflect, meditate and unite ourselves to the sufferings of Christ and days to walk definitely towards the Holy Hill called the Calvary on which Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by hanging on the wood of the Cross drew humanity to Himself and wrought our salvation and assured us a new life of resurrection. May the month of March therefore be one of hope, joy and bright future for all students in successfully shaping their life aspirations and for all believers to experience the grace of Lent which is a call to follow Christ walking behind His Way of the Cross and to share in His unending joy of the resurrection.


XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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