Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

So soon and so fast the year 2021 has gone into history like twinkling of an eye in spite of the covid-19 pandemic which has and continues to jeopardize human lives and our day-to-day living making it hard and difficult. I invite all of you to raise your hearts and minds in thanksgiving for God’s mercy, protection, benevolence and blessing showered on all of us throughout the year of 2021. The new day of the New Year has dawned on all of us on January 01 and hence I hasten to wish all of you a very Happy New Year.

The Holy Mother the Church is conscious of the way we the believers need to be protected during the year ahead of us as she places before us solemnities and feasts which are essential nay vital in our spiritual growth so that no matter what happens and what is awaiting us in the days to come, we are strengthened and blessed. Accordingly on 01 of this month we are privileged to celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God and thereby inaugurate the New Year by surrendering it to our Blessed Mother Mary so that she will take care of all her children every day. With the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord on 02 January we thank God for giving us Jesus as our Emmanuel – God-with-us. Who presented himself to three kings who went to worship and adore Him with their gifts. On 03 January we also celebrate the Most Holy Name of Jesus proclaiming to the world that there is salvation in His Name and health and healing. 09th January is the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord during which Jesus Christ filled with the Holy Spirit and being proclaimed by God the Father as His Beloved Son, began His public ministry after 40 days of fasting and prayer. On 25th we celebrate the feast of the conversion of St Paul the Apostle which proclaims that even the one who is against God can be chosen as an Apostle to proclaim His Good News and witness as an Evangelizer.

We will also celebrate the Annual festivities of St Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr at his Basilica in Attur on 23 to 27 January but due to the threat of the pandemic, the celebrations will begin from 16th of this month. St Lawrence has been a powerful intercessor before God and with a history of over 300 years from Attur in Karkala a place which was chosen by him, he has been attracting over 1.5 million devotees to himself throughout the year and especially during the annual days of festivities. Let us also thank God for the gift of St Lawrence Basilica in Attur in particular and to the Diocese of Udupi in general and seek his intercession for God’s blessings, mercies and benevolence.

Let us celebrate all these feasts and solemnities with joy in our heart and be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that the year 2022 which we have just begun may be one of God’s continual grace and blessing. I wish all of you a very Happy New Year.

X Gerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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