Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

This month of September which we have already begun will give us the immense joy of celebrating the Solemnity of the Nativity of our blessed Mother Mary on 8th which we fondly call as Monthi Fest. We all are still beset with the Corona Virus disturbing our Family Life, Education, Social and Economic activities and still we have been able to organize our life of prayer and worship in spite the Covid-19 pandemic. The nine days’ Novena preceding Monthi Fest is so dear to children that they go around collecting variety of flowers in order to offer them with devotion and filial love and respect to Mother Mary. Children make it a point to attend in large numbers in the Novena, participate enthusiastically in the Eucharistic celebration preceding it and gather thereafter around the flower-decked statue of Baby Mary to shower on her flowers of every sort brought to honour her. May Monthi Fest – Birthday celebration of our heavenly Mother shower copious blessings and gracious on our families so that they become strong in faith, love and unity and continue to follow Her Son Jesus Christ whom She followed right up to the Cross at Calvary.

On 14th We are celebrating the feast of the cross, whereby darkness was dispelled and the light restored. We are celebrating the feast of the cross, ad with the crucified one we are raised up, leaving behind us the earth and sin so that we may possess what is above. The cross is called the glory of Christ, and his exaltation; it is the chalice for which he longed, the consummation of his sufferings on our behalf. The cross is also Christ’s exaltation: ‘When I am lifted up, I will draw all men to myself’.

Dear brothers and sisters, I hereby invite all of you to celebrate Monthi Fest with great joy, love and happiness praying for all our Christian families while you gather around the altar to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and the statue of Baby Mary to celebrate her Birthday, and, standing before the Holy Cross reflecting for a while Christ’s death on the cross which brought us His mercy and salvation.

I wish all of you a very happy Monthi Fest and plentiful blessings from the crucified Christ’s who by His Holy Cross has raised us from the darkness of sin into the light of grace and salvation.

May God Bless us All.


X Gerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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