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The month of August is heavily blessed with feasts, solemnities and events for our worthy celebrations, worship, adoration and commemoration. The Holy Mother the Church places before us: the feasts of St John Marie Vianney on 4th, the transfiguration of our Lord on 6th, St Lawrence Deacon and Martyr on 10th, St Bartholomew, on 24th, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 15th, historical and memorable event of the Independence Day of India also on 15th.

We need to thank God for the relaxation granted to us from covid-19 restrictions so that we are now able to move around, go about freely with of course continue strictly following guidelines so that we do not contact the corona virus ourselves and do not pass it on to others because the restrictions may have gone but the virus is still very much in and around.

Our churches are open once again for prayer and worship and hence we have been able to assemble as before in our respective parish churches to thank and praise God for his goodness, benevolence and mercy. Let us continue to pray for all especially the sick and the suffering and above all those family members who have lost their loved ones due to Covid-19 virus attack. I hereby thank those parishes which came forward to bring solace and material help for good many families to tide over daily needs and necessities due to lack of employment and finances. It is going to be nearly two years since covid-19 has restricted every sphere of our life and activity but this most unfortunate and unwelcome duration has also provided us to translate Christ’s message into action: “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt. 25: 31–46).

On the feast of St John Marie Vianney on 4th August let us pray for the priests of our Diocese in parish pastoral ministry because he is their patron; let us remember to pray for our beloved Nation India on Independence Day (15th August) as we celebrate the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that our country is blessed with peace, unity, economic stability and prosperity.

May God Almighty bless us all in this month of August everyday so that we may continue to be a source of blessing for all through our life of faith and prayer.

May God Bless us All.


X Gerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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