Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

For the Diocese of Udupi the month of July is very significant because on 16 July 2012, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI erected the diocese of Udupi carving it from the Diocese of Mangalore thereby elevating Udupi District to the status of a Diocese. With this elevation, the long standing dream, prayer and Pastoral need of the People of God of Udupi district was realized and a new chapter in the life of the history of Catholic Faithful began to be written. The transfer of the Most Rev Gerald Isaac Lobo Bishop of Shimoga to the new Diocese of Udupi as its first Bishop was not only a blessing but also God’s plan for people of all walks of life in the district of Udupi because his shepherding ministry and experience of twelve years was a boon and a boost in the liturgical, biblical, catechetical, educational, social, cultural and medical fields and activities along with youth animation and women empowerment. All these spheres and activities were effectively implemented through the Diocesan Pastoral Plan, Mission 2025 which was launched in all the parishes of the Diocese from 2015 through 18 Commissions at the parish, deanery and the diocesan levels. Hence, it is but fitting that we raise our hearts and minds to God thanking Him for the gift and blessing of the Diocese of Udupi which has fruitfully completed nine years after its establishment. The clergy, religious and lay faithful but for whom it was not possible to reap fruits from the Pastoral Plan, Mission 2025 have collaborated whole heartedly in the Diocesan Mission and have contributed generously their talents, resources and energies in the building of the diocese of Udupi the Local Church. 

The solemnity of St Thomas, Apostle of India is celebrated on third of this month the birth of the faith in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church was sown by him which today has brought abundant fruit for the church in India. We need to imitate the charism and zeal of this grate Missionary to spread the Word of God in the Diocese of Udupi so that God’s Kingdom finds a rightful place in the heart of all and His Word is witnessed and further proclaimed by all. May God be with us, Bless and protect us so that our mission in the Diocese of Udupi continues to bear abundant fruit for His greater Glory. 

X Gerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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