Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The month of May has already begun and the feast of St Joseph the Worker is already over but the working class all over the world is not at all happy. The pandemic  covid – 19 has deprived good many of them either of their office, job or even daily bread  since even after a year and the availability of vaccines, the situation is not at all good and the suffering and misery on account of this pandemic is on the increase. Let us in one voice raise our hearts and minds to St Joseph the foster father of Jesus who as head of the holy family took care of it with devotion and fidelity will be able to protect all our families and bring solace into the lives of so many who have lost their loved ones due to corona virus.


The situation of the pandemic is quite grim in our country as cases of those affected are on the increase and deaths too on account of it; the shortage of oxygen, hospital beds and even drugs are appalling  and the plight of the sick and affected  is pitiable and beyond words can ever express. This is not the time to find fault with and play the blame game but to stand united in fighting this cruel unseen enemy - the corona in all seriousness by following the directives of the Local, State and Central Governments so that there is still hope for us all and God our Merciful and Loving Father will hear our earnest prayers and heal those affected and protect all others with his Divine Mercy and benevolence.
Among feast and celebrations in this month, the most important ones are the Pentecost on 23 May and Holy Trinity on 30 May. All our churches are closed and celebrations are forbidden. But, let us keep the doors of our faith and heart open to the Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Holy Trinity to bless and protect us and all people all over the world.  Nothing is impossible to God. These are trying times no doubt but let us remain strong as ever, believe firmer, pray and hope harder with the sole aim and objective to fight this unseen enemy called the corona virus which is very much alive and active. Our unity, support to each other and our faith in the Triune God will make us strong and victorious during these days of fear, anxiety and turmoil bringing days of sunshine and happiness.  May God bless us all.

X Gerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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