Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The 2021 Year was ushered in by all of us in spite of the fear of and threat from Covid – 19 pandemic which still continues its sway. Vaccines are out bringing along hope of its control and perhaps eradication but we all need to wait for long time to bring the corona virus under control even though as of now it seems to be on the decline. In the meantime the month of January is over and we have already stepped into February in 2021. Without losing heart, let us continue to follow guidelines issued by the competent authorities to avoid from being exposed to corona virus and pray to God to bless us all with good health so that we are able to help, serve and love one and all.

Let the month of February therefore be a month of hope for us because the vaccine is around, cases of corona virus are on the decline and human life which apparently was paralyzed is limping back to normal: slow but steady. Nothing is impossible for God who is so benevolent and merciful and will always respond to our genuine and ardent prayers.

On second of this month the Church placed before us the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Mary and Joseph presented Jesus, the Saviour of the world to God as per the Jewish Law because, “… when the fullness of time came, God sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under the law” (Gal. 4:4) and that He (Christ) the Light was born to enlighten the Gentiles as acclaimed by Simeon in the Temple. Being the followers of Jesus, let us be the children of the ‘light’ shunning darkness of evil and sin by drawing this light from Christ Himself who is the Light of the World and our Way, Life and Truth (Jn 14:6).

We will begin the holy season of Lent on 17th of this month with Ash Wednesday. This season of lent invites us for prayer, penance and fasting and a call to reflect upon the passion, suffering and death of Christ thereby uniting ourselves closely to the Cross of Christ. Let us engage ourselves in a few devotions like the Way of the Cross, reading of the Passion narrative as found in the Gospel and its reflection, sense of prayer and sacrifice – in other words lent calls us to simplify our lifestyle and organize a life of penance and sacrifice in order not only to enter into the spirit of lent but also to think about our suffering brothers and sisters all over the world who are victims of inequality, exploitation and marginalization. Let us thank God for all the good things we have received and place all those who continually suffer so that God’s mercy and blessings be upon us all and always. May God bless you all.

I wish you all a holy season of Lent.

X Gerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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