Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The month of October is known as a mission month because the Mission Sunday is celebrated in it after solid, meaningful and enthusiastic preparations are undertaken by all in all parishes of the diocese in utmost unction and seriousness. The ‘mission’ consciousness is very high among all our Catholics including children so much so all take active part in the promotion of it throughout the year especially through sacrifices and savings for the missions. Unfortunately this October will see a rather quiet and toned down celebration due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its restrictions but I am sure and certain that the enthusiasm towards the missions will not diminish and our prayers for all missionaries will be stronger and firmer than ever before. Please cooperate with your respective parish clergy and statutory bodies of the parish in whatever activities they will be planning to effectively celebrate Mission Sunday.

October is also a month devoted to the recitation of the holy Rosary. I am sure that during these months of pandemic, what would / should have kept the family united is indeed the rosary which is recited every evening. Please continue to pray the rosary not just once a day but several times personally / individually if possible and if time permits specially during this October since most of the time is spent at home and along with other family members. Prayer, that too that of the recitation of the holy rosary is an excellent way of interceding with the Mother of the Holy Rosary and meditating divine mysteries based on the Word of God.

It was on the 15th of October that the diocese of Udupi was officially inaugurated and I took office as the first Bishop of Udupi. This historical event is completing eight precious years and marching forward effectively and enthusiastically promoting and implementing the Pastoral Plan, Mission 2025. I request all of you to continue to pray for Udupi Diocese and for me as well so that our mission and ministry of the proclamation of the Word of God and evangelization of all people as per Christ’s mandate may be genuinely carried forward with zeal and zest to the glory of God. Thank you and may God bless you all.


XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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Cell: 9845469978 (O)
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