Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

The Covid – 19 Pandemic which began in a small scale in our Country India around March 2020 is going out of proportions increasing day by day with or without lockdown unabated. The support, understanding and cooperation extended by practically all in the beginning has now a thought and action of the past and it looks people are not worried or afraid of it anymore. We are now in the month of August and still are not able to function as we used to do before this pandemic which most unexpectedly came into our lives and shook us all and continues to do so vehemently. Let us therefore continue to respect the norms and guidelines issued by the Government and local authorities from time to time by maintaining social distance, wearing of face mask and the proper use of sanitizer in order to minimize contacting this virus to ourselves or passing it on to others. And, let us continue to raise our hearts and minds to God with our prayers and petitions for His mercy and protection without being discouraged or disappointed.


The month of August is quite significant first, for all Diocesan Priests set aside for parish pastoral ministry because on 4th of this month they will be celebrating the feast of their patron St John Marie Vianney who spent his priestly pastoral ministry in utter poverty, extreme simplicity, fasting and prayer and by committing himself fully to the mission of the church for proclamation and evangelization. It is very difficult to imitate him and his life but an honest effort must be made by us all especially priests who are chosen for parish pastoral ministry. On 15th we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God and that of the Church as we rejoice that she has been taken up into heaven Body and Soul. It is also our Independence Day. Due to Covid – 19, both these events and celebrations will take place in a very low key but in our sprit of rejoicing, let us thank God for setting Mary our Blessed Mother totally free from bodily corruption and our Country obtaining for us total freedom from British rule. These feasts will therefore invite us to free ourselves from those evil structures which can and will a enslave us dominating our lives. May our Heavenly Mother intercede for all of us and obtain for us God’s mercy and benevolence freeing us from all evil and peril of body and soul. May God bless us all.


XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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