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Rainy season is practically in full swing as it appears though there is a bit of hide-and-seek in the way it comes down and then disappears for some time but Covid – 19 is not only in full swing but also goes about in full force – sad but true. Has this become a part of our lives? If yes, then we need to live in fear and trembling. You all will agree that the human life and living we all were accustomed to live so far has drastically changed from the year 2020 most certainly and unexpectedly. Let us only hope and sincerely pray that the great and determined scientists will be able to find a suitable drug or antidote that will arrest this most dreaded virus bringing back human life to its normalcy all over the world.

Let us not live in fear and without hope for a bright and better future because as believers in the powerful presence and benevolence of God, we must take courage to trust Him and His Divine Mercy even though month after month we have been hoping and praying for it without any good result but, “my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD (Is. 55:8)”. Let us continue to trust Him and live in His presence storming heaven with our prayers and petitions because “the Lord, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8). Jesus was there always when the Apostles needed Him most: “When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid”( John 6:19-20). St Paul’s advice in his letter to the Philippians (4:6-7) is quite valid for all times: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

On 03rd of this month, the Church in India will specially honour St Thomas as the Apostle of India because our faith history tells us that it was he who brought the Catholic faith to us: the mission and ministry of proclamation and evangelization. Let us thank God for St Thomas the Apostle for giving us the true faith, i.e. Jesus Christ who is the Saviour of the world.

On 16th of this month the Diocese of Udupi will complete eight years of its creation by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. As God’s chosen People, we need to be grateful to the Plan of God through the generosity of the Holy See for elevating the District of Udupi to the status of a Catholic Diocese. Through our vision, mission and objectives of Pastoral Plan, Mission 2025 which we have accepted and have been implementing through the 18 Commissions at the parish, deanery and diocese level, we have been able to animate this local church taking it forward according to the teaching of the Church and the message of the Gospel. I request all of you to continue to support the Pastoral Plan of this Diocese by praying for all: the Clergy, Religious and Lay faithful and pray for me as well so that my shepherding ministry which was entrusted to me as the first Bishop of the new Diocese of Udupi truly becomes one of God’s providence, benevolence and a source of His grace, mercy and blessing.

May God bless us all.

XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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