Vox Nostra  |  Wishes  |  Obituary

While March and April every year are known to be summer months here around, the lockdown due to coronavirus heat has become so intense that the entire world is apparently on its knees begging for God’s Mercy, benevolence and protection. The economic situation of all countries is on a downward trend, the infection is on the increase and counting….no light still at the end of the tunnel since an antidote / preventive drug may not be available in the near future. Hence lockdown, social distancing and the acceptance of precautionary measures to prevent pandemic are to be accepted and respected to protect ourselves and others. Let us continue to cooperate with the State and Local Competent Authorities as law abiding citizens and continue to pray hard as firm believers in Divine Mercy and Providence.

In the name of the Diocese of Udupi, I salute with appreciation and thanks all those doctors, nurses, paramedics, police personnel and technicians who have been in the forefront assisting victims of this pandemic being unmindful of their own health, risking it and placing themselves at the care of the sick and the suffering. May God protect them all, bless them and their families is my wish and prayer.

Several of our parishes have come forward to provide poor and needy families irrespective of religion and family background with daily necessities of life, providing ration and even shelter and continue to do so silently and without publicity for the love of God and His People. I thank our priests and their respective parish and community leaders for their acts of kindness and generosity.

The month of May is Marian month. Our faithful usually assemble in front of the church grotto to recite the holy rosary a practice and tradition which have been dear to all of us. Pope Francis has called us to rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in this month of May. Now that the families are together day in and day out due to the lockdown, please make the month of May as the “Family Rosary Month” praying every day to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to save us from this pandemic, to protect us all and obtain Divine Mercy so that we all will be able to continue to live our lives pleasing to God, walk in His ways and proclaim Him as the Saviour of the world.

XGerald Isaac Lobo

Bishop of Udupi 

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