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Kalmady May 25: The Seminarians of Udupi Diocese who study at St Joseph Seminary, Mangalore met for an Evaluation and Sharing of experiences here at Kalmady on 25 May 2016. The 10 Seminarians who are at different phases of their formation (Theology and Regency) shared their spiritual, intellectual and co-curricular experiences of summer holidays both in their native parishes as well as in the parishes where they had their spiritual ministry.

The meeting began with a prayer session led by Br Melwyl Roy Lobo of 4th year theology. After the welcome address the host Fr Alban D’Souza briefed them about the days’ program and wished them well. The Bishop of Udupi Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Vicar General Msgr. Baptist Menezes, the Spiritual Director of the Seminarians Rev. Fr Baptist Menezes, Professor St Joseph Seminary were present at the meeting.

The Seminarians said that the experiences they had will surely help them for their future pastoral ministry as well as to face greater challenges of life. It also gave them the opportunity to learn languages like Malayalam/Kannada, to organize programs and to be good human beings. It taught them various aspects of secular life like public relations, finances, legal matters etc. 

V. Rev. Msgr Baptist Menezes, the Vicar General urged the Seminarians to be men of prayer after the model of Jesus Christ who was united with his Father and hence was in constant touch with him. He also advised them to be honest and transparent in whatever they do so that it pleases the one who has called them to be his followers.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi, in his address invited the seminarians to be not just another Christ, but the Christ so that they radiate the joy and the love of Christ to everyone they come in contact with. He told them that the people expect to be Christ like not just in our preaching but by our way of life. He also advised them to live a simple life and not to become worldly persons who become counter witness to Christ.

He wound up saying that the Diocese of Udupi is in need of Holy and committed priests and he counts on the Seminarians for the same. He gave a clarion call to them to be ready to shoulder greater challenges of the Diocese, now itself, when they study in the Seminary.


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